
PokerStars: $5.200 EPT Online Main Event Final Highlights

Beim $5.200 Main Event des PokerStars EPT Online Festivals spielten 924 Teilnehmer um $6,52 Millionen. Am Final Table saßen WhatIfGod, Timothy „Tim0thee“ Adams, Jon „apestyles“ Van Fleet, Andreas „daskalos20“ Christoforou, Enio „Bozzano JNR“ Bozzano, Viacheslav „VbV1990“ Buldygin, David „MissOracle“ Yan, tikidiii und vip25459.

HIGHLIGHTS of the EPT MAIN EVENT FINAL! ♠️ EPT Online 2020 ♠️ PokerStars

EPT Online $5.200 Main Event

Buy-In: $5.000 + $200
Spieler: 924 (+ 380 Re-Entries)
Preispool: $6.520.000

1: WhatIfGod (Sweden), $1.019.081,90
2: Tim0thee (Canada), $728.632,82
3: MissOracle (New Zealand), $520.965,60
4: tikidiii (Finland), $372.484,99
5: VbV1990 (Russia), $266.323,09
6: Bozzano JNR (Brazil), $190.418,55
7: daskalos20 (Netherlands), $136.147,38
8: apestyles (Canada), $97.344,25
9: vip25459 (Kazakhstan), $78.796,80

—> EPT Online Main Event Wrap
—> EPT Online Main Event Final Table Replay

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