
Raise Your Edge: Negreanu Thought I Was A Spewtastic Player

Die Poker Trainings-Plattform Raise Your Edge liefert auf YouTube kostenlosen Content. In diesem Video mit bencb789 gibt es ein Interview mit Doug Polk. Thema ist Polks Heads-Up Match gegen Daniel Negreanu.

„Negreanu thought I was a spewtastic player!“ Doug Polk | RYE Podcast


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03:42​ – Upswing’s new PLO course
06:04​ – The Doug vs Negreanu challenge – How did Doug prepare for the challenge?
17:12​ – Discussing the Q7 hand vs Negreanu
40:04​ – Would Daniel have played the same against any other player / changing playstyle based on opponents
1:00:54​ – Discussing KJ hand vs Negreanu
1:17:48​ – How Doug dealt with the tough sessions in his poker career
1:19:24​ – In Doug’s opinion, who are/have been the toughest heads-up opponents?
1:21:08​ – What was Doug’s biggest lessons/failures from his career and business ventures?
1:24:48​ – What does the future hold for Doug?

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