
Run It Once: George Danzer – A Hero’s Journey

Die Poker Trainings-Plattform Run It Once mit einem Podcast. Lee Davy holte sich George Danzer in den Talk.

George Danzer | A Hero’s Journey S01E03


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0:00:15 – Growing up in Portugal and Germany. The challenges of relocating to a new country, learning a new language, etc. How being an outsider affected his childhood.
0:06:46 – How his experience growing up as an outsider affected his development as a poker player, and how he can trace his interest in poker back to a book about games from different cultures that he read as a child.
0:09:06 – What he was like as a child. From funny to nerdy.
0:09:45 – Being introduced to Texas Hold’Em at age 15 while playing chess competitively.
0:10:54 – Learning chess at the age of 5 from his father, who bought him a Mephisto chess computer, which led to him becoming an exceptional chess player as a child. Being banned from Portuguese chess competitions due to lack of citizenship.
0:14:43 – How his pursuit of chess affected his social life growing up.
0:16:21 – Loving chess (and other games) for the challenge and competition, without thinking much about potential career aspirations.
0:17:12 – Enjoying the creative aspects of games over straight studying, and how that shaped his approach to professional poker.
0:20:59 – The milestones along his path from chess to poker. Using poker as a means of raising funds to finance his education. Eventually putting his studies aside to pursue poker more seriously during the post-Moneymaker boom.
0:24:24 – Studying micro-engineering in Freiberg. Using the university’s fast internet connection to study and play on Pokerstars. Not knowing that he could be playing poker as a profession due to the lack of popularity at the time in Germany.
0:28:03 – Using books and games as an escape from life’s pressures.
0:31:37 – His deep run at the 2006 WSOP Main Event, and how he felt about busting earlier than he’d expected.
0:35:55 – How meditative lessons from his chess coaches helped prepare him for a positive poker mindset.
0:39:26 – How he’s translated the same practices to other areas of life, and whether or not he might be perceived as too calm.
0:41:44 – Remembering an online tournament in the early 00s as the first time he saw poker as a special world that was different than the ordinary world of his everyday life, and how his first EPT tournament a few years later expanded that feeling in an even more tangible way.
0:46:12 – Keeping his poker life private early on because people around him didn’t understand or believe it’s potential as a legitimate pursuit.
0:47:48 – Ignoring the naysayers, and remembering his father finally coming to a poker tournament at George’s 11th WSOP.
0:49:07 – Mixed reactions from family and mentors regarding his pursuit of poker.
0:50:46 – How his dislike for and unwillingness to argue has affected his life and relationships.
0:53:45 – His thoughts on his ability to empathize, and where he stands in terms of empathy in relation to other people.
0:56:48 – How his tendency toward rationalism affects his relationships with a girlfriend and daughter who are both more emotional than rational.
0:59:29 – Parenting by example, and his distrust of parenting advice.
1:02:07 – Viewing professional poker from a neutral perspective. It’s a job like any other. Plus the thoughts, feelings, and events that led to him leaving poker as a full-time profession.
1:07:44 – Looking back on his poker career, how he feels about it now, and how it’s enriched his life.
1:09:42 – The lack of true mentors in poker due to starting before it was popular, and how his chess coaches consequently had the largest impact on his approach to the game.
1:11:59 – How his own tendency to “stand still” and not optimize creativity was the only true villain in his journey.

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