
Brian Rast: Brasilien, die Zukunft & Gefahren durch KI

Brian Rast ist zu Gast im Podcast von Dan Cates. Der Poker-Pro spricht über sein Privatleben, Politik, Gesellschaft und die Gefahren von KI.

Poker, Futurism, and Brazil with Brian Rast and Jungleman Dan Cates


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0:56 Competition
7:41 Keeping it light
12:11 Is Jungleman done bluffing?
15:28 What will you do with the money?
16:50 Fighting for the environment
29:14 An invite to Brazil
30:56 Politics – a difficult game
42:33 Society – Good at solving, bad at preventing
45:37 Saving the world from AI
54:45 Is society getting more superficial?
59:49 The story behind Jungleman’s Terminator
1:04:35 It’s NOT all about the Benjamins
1:18:00 Plans for the future

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