
Poker Gossip: Chris Moneymaker spricht über das Aus bei PokerStars

Im „The Rake“ Poker-Podcast spricht Chris Moneymaker über das Ende bei PokerStars, wie es mit Poker weitergeht, Fitnesspläne für 2021 und die Hass-Liebe zwischen ihm und Spraggy.

Chris Moneymaker und PokerStars, PokerStars und Chris Moneymaker. Der Weltmeister von 2003 war rund 17 Jahre lang der Repräsentant des Poker Rooms, so dass die Meldung über das Aus der Partnerschaft hohe Wellen schlug.

Es wurde viel spekuliert. Über die Relevanz von Moneymaker sowie die Sparmaßnahmen bei Flutter. Im Interview mit Jamie Kerstetter und Marle Cordeiro spricht der US-Amerikaner nun detailliert über das Ende.

Der Vertrag sollte eigentlich verlängert werden, doch durch die Pandemie verursachte Zwangspause gab ihm Zeit zum Nachdenken. Zudem merkte der 45-Jährige, wie wertvoll die Zeit mit der Familie ist. Letztendlich sagte er kurzfristig ab und wollte einen Neuanfang.

Chris Moneymaker Dishes The Dirt on His Breakup with PokerStars! – The Rake E066


00:09 – Welcome Chris Moneymaker! Joining us from his car!
01:12 – What poker has he been playing lately?
01:39 – Chris recently ended his relationship with PokerStars after 17 years. What are his thoughts on the situation?
04:48 – Does he plan to maintain a presence in the poker world?
05:19 – Chris has been working on his MTT game, and has taken on Faraz Jaka as a coach. What was the impetus for this shift from being an ambassador to getting more serious about his game?
07:33 – What is his relationship with Spraggy? Chris reveals an upcoming collaboration with Jamie. Jamie thanks Chris for playing in the Breast Cancer Alliance Celebrity Poker Tournament.
09:38 – Back to Spraggy… How did they meet, and how did their current dynamic develop?
13:57 – Chris weighs in on this year’s WSOP Main Event situation.
20:44 – A discussion about how good the action is in the live tournament scene now that people have started to play again.
22:44 – Chris opens up about friends and neighbours dying of COVID, and recounts his own daughter’s battle with the virus.
29:52 – Chris is still taking US presidential election bets. How is that possible?
33:00 – Anna Khait blocked Jamie and Chris on Twitter. Jamie and Chris take shots at her, Trump, and Spraggy.
36:09 – How often does Chris get recognized in public? Thoughts on being a poker celebrity.
39:26 – What event or title does he think could catapult somebody to his level of recognition? Can people still be made stars in the poker world? Do we focus too much on strategy, GTO, and not enough on creating characters and stories?
45:41 – Has he seen the new incarnation of High Stakes Poker? A conversation about how poker media has changed.
50:21 – Chris talks about being out of shape, and his plans for getting better. Jamie talks about being in her second consecutive prop bet for losing 10% of her bodyweight. Chris shares his own “interesting” weight loss prop bet.
54:13 – Wrapping up. Thanks Chris!

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